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Before obtaining L3/L4/L5 liquor license for hotels from Chandigarh Excise department few things are very important

Liquor License formalities;
- (a) Hotel Bar should be almost ready and having at least 40 seats
- (b) Number of display places should be ready
- (c) Service area/ areas must be defined in advance
- (d) Map should be prepared
- (e) Completion certificate of the building is mandatory
- (f) Property tax must be cleared
- (g) Directors should not be having any criminal background
- (h) NOC from Building, MC and Police is mandatory and It should not be at objected location (i) Application is filed with the AETC
- (j) Public notice is mandatory
- (k) Inspection of Bar area and Service area will be done by the Excise Officer
- (l) All N.O.C along with Fire and Pollution clearance will be submitted and there after Liquor License is granted to Hotel and Restaurant on submission of License fee for Financial Year.
For any query consult free with Civil Lawyers in Chandigarh and may contact round the clock
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